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Nous Aider  à faire la différence

Merci pour votre envoi


Make a DONATION, for the pleasure of giving, of helping, of participating, of understanding that by joining forces, we all become Stronger.

The joy of being the financially offering party cannot be measured, cannot be quantified, it is infinite.

Giving is a vibrant part of ourselves that comes back to us multiplied, strengthens us, knowing that the realization of the work of others will be beneficial to everyone and therefore to ourselves.

To love is to give, it is to allow others to be happy, elsewhere and aware that a work will be carried out for the good of all.


Maev Marchini






International Foundation Blue Bird


3 items found for ""

  • Poème pour un Oiseau Bleu, de la Fondation et sa réalisation

    Amour et Création Amour d'une émanation, Émanation d'une création, Envol sublime d'un instant ultime Amour, Création, Autour D'une vibration.... Amour de l'Oiseau Bleu Et des chevaux dansant, Emporte mon Âme de feu Vers un imaginaire brûlant. Voyage lumineux sans fin, Amour de Vie, Vie de l'Amour reviens, Que je te crie, Que je te crée Dans un monde réalisé. Amour Et Création.... Maev ------------------- Poème de Maev pour la création de la Fondation Internationale L'Oiseau Bleu, qui se veut à votre service pour vous aider à réaliser sur la Planète, un monde différent, créatif et innovateur futuriste. Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de réalisations et d'idées géniales, afin de rompre avec la discordance et le manque d'harmonie actuellement sur la planète.

  • HELLO the World here is Planet Earth!

    Lost in space, looking for help, our planet needs, you, -Yes, said the gull, but wouldn't it be humans who need the Earth, our Gaia? -Ah! replies the fox, if only they knew that one does not exist without the other....Plus they even forget to raise their heads to look at the stars... -The stars, the stars, but the world is upside down, replies the butterfly, which flies over the flowers of the fields..., I only see the sun, the rain,... and the widespread pollution generously by humans...., to tell the truth, I don't see anything anymore.... How many times have we asked ourselves the question of how to change things, and how many times have we committed to doing so? Is there even a way to do it! Yes of just have to Want it. Wanting is a big word you might say, but when your heart and your emotions show you that it is achievable, wanting becomes Knowledge, Consciousness and Love... Maev....If you like it, tell me....and participate with us....

  • Projects promoting people, the world and their emotions....

    The World in higher vision, or making the sun shine where sadness darkens the light... Yes, we live in a world in transformation, a world that needs to move, but not to destabilize. Yet this world is dying, it is harsh, destructive, tasteless and stupid, with disturbing human values, giving birth to monsters of stupidity and aggression, of hatred and not of PEACE. Everything collides, everything is humiliating, and without real human values, plunging our minds into a filthy quagmire. A world upside down ! So, how are we going to build this world to which we all aspire, if not by appealing to our strong, constructive and inspiring emotions. Our intelligence must be called upon as well as our reflections and our wisdom. What do we dream of? What do we need ? What do we want what surrounds us to be made of? Are our transformation values in correspondence with our needs, our dreams? The World of the Future must be rewarding, creative, thoughtful, and aware. It is mathematical, but it must also be colorful and emotional. Not from these emotions coming from thought, but from the Intelligence of the heart. Reflect with serenity, accuracy, in order to develop the paths leading to balance. What can we dream of, each according to our aspirations, if not a colorful diversity, not uniform of course, so as not to cause boredom... but varied! Our healthy needs are based on creativity, with moving lines reaching infinity. The creative and inventive spirit will develop in us other ideas, equally explosive in values and grandeur in order to transform this world into rich and constructive values. It is to you that I am speaking, in order to see you transform the world for a future, with luminous and creative values. Let yourself build this future, that is to say yours, ours, and come back to us with projects, often simple, but spectacular. Let yourself be sucked in by the emotions of the heart, by choosing the rewarding inspirations to achieve. Let yourself dream of beauty and grandeur, leaving your soul surprised by your ideas. But you might say, not everyone is made for this much creativity... Don't worry, you still have the richness of the heart, that which leads to giving.... Making a donation, however small it may be, brightens your life, your day with the satisfaction of having contributed to the building. IFBB-Maev

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